I'm Mahmoud and i'm a Front-end Developer!

Quote of the day

Mahmoud Hassan

Welcome to my website! My name is Mahmoud Hassan and I'm passionate about web development. I have experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. Feel free to explore the rest of the site to learn more about my experiences, skills, and projects.

Mahmoud Hassan


Haifa University

2018 – 2023: Haifa University

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics

Computer Science: Specialized in Object-Oriented Programming, achieving a notable score of 92, Excelled in Assembly LC3 with a high grade of 93.

Mathematics: Graduated with a final GPA of 85

July 2022 – September 2022: Full Stack Web Development Training

Completed a rigorous full-stack web development training course by Tsofen in collaboration with Moveo Skills. Highlights include:

  • Technologies: Proficient in React, Node.js, and MongoDB, with expertise in Git for version control.
  • Methodology: Applied Agile principles, collaborated with cross-functional teams (QA, UI/UX, product manager), and utilized Figma for design assets.
  • Project: Developed the first version of a responsive web application for managing information about top restaurants in Tel Aviv, incorporating industry-standard features.
Full Stack Web Development Training


Java Icon Java
C Icon C
C++ Icon C++
React Icon React
Python Icon Python
Node.Js Icon Node.Js
TypeScript Icon TypeScript
JavaScript Icon JavaScript



The Pokedex project involves creating a web application that interfaces with the PokeAPI to retrieve information about the first 20 Pokémon and display them to users in the form of cards on the main page. Users can click on a specific Pokémon card to view additional details on an inner page. Additionally, there is a Load More button at the bottom of the main page to fetch the next 20 Pokémon, implementing pagination functionality.

react Icon
GitHub Repo
Pokedex Image


Email: mahmoud_h_98@hotmail.com

Phone: +97252-208-7004

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